Every bag of Nutribyte Adult Cat food contains only the highest quality digestible ingredients, balanced vitamins & minerals and essential co-factors to ensure that your cat maintains a healthy lifestyle. Nutribyte Adult Cat diet is formulated by a leading Veterinarian and expert in Animal Nutrition.
Using the latest in scientific research and fortified with over 5 different co-factors, Nutribyte Adult Cat provides only the best nutrition and proven protection against Struvite crystal forming, whilst assisting with hairball management. The exclusive use of high levels of imported animal protein sources and higher levels of rice ensures that Nutribyte Adult Cat can truly offer balanced nutrition in every Byte!
Proteins and amino acids are the building blocks for a healthy body. Proteins build and repair muscle tissue and hair.
Energy is fuel which enables the body to function. Needed for growth, reproduction, lactation and other bodily functions.
Omega 6 & 3 fatty acids for a healthy skin and coat.
Needed for key metabolic functions, enzymes, optimal nerve function and electrolytic balance.
Dehydrated chicken protein* (min 24%), rice, corn, corn gluten, chicken and ostrich fats (with mixed tocopherols), hydrolysed chicken liver, powdered cellulose, brewer’s yeast, beet pulp, whole egg powder, inulin, salmon oil, potassium chloride, acidifiers, salt, choline chloride, taurine, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D supplement, vitamin E supplement, vitamin C supplement, zinc sulphate, ferrous sulphate, biotin, manganese sulphate, niacin, calcium pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate, copper sulphate, riboflavin supplement, vitamin K supplement, vitamin B12 supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid, calcium iodate, sodium seleniteNutritional Additives (/kg): Vitamin A 12 500 IU, Vitamin D 1 250 IU, Vitamin E 125 IU, Vitamin C 75 mg, Folic Acid 0.80 mg, Zinc sulphate 80 mg, Ferrous sulphate 100 mg, Manganese sulphate 10 mg, Copper sulphate 10 mg, Taurine 1 500 mg
*Imported low ash chicken meal for balanced mineral levels.
Protéines de poulet déshydratées* (min 24%), riz, maïs, gluten de maïs, graisses de poulet et d’autruche (avec mélange de tocophérols), foie de poulet hydrolysé, cellulose en poudre, levure de bière, pulpe de betterave, oeuf entier en poudre, inuline, huile de saumon, potassium chlorure, acidifiants, sel, chlorure de choline, taurine, supplément de vitamine A, supplément de vitamine D, supplément de vitamine E, supplément de vitamine C, sulfate de zinc, sulfate ferreux, biotine, sulfate de manganèse, niacine, pantothénate de calcium, mononitrate de thiamine, sulfate de cuivre, riboflavine supplément, supplément de vitamine K, supplément de vitamine B12, chlorhydrate de pyridoxine, acide folique, iodate de calcium, sélénite de sodium Additifs nutritionnels (/kg) : Vitamine A 12 500 UI, Vitamine D 1 250 UI, Vitamine E 125 UI, Vitamine C 75 mg, Acide folique 0,80 mg, Sulfate de zinc 80 mg, Sulfate ferreux 100 mg, Sulfate de manganèse 10 mg, Sulfate de cuivre 10 mg, Taurine 1 500 mg
* Farine de poulet à faible teneur en cendres importée pour des niveaux de minéraux équilibrés.
Proteína desidratada de frango * (min 24%), arroz, milho, glúten de milho, gorduras de frango e avestruz (com tocoferóis mistos), fígado de frango hidrolisado, celulose em pó, levedura de cerveja, polpa de beterraba, ovo em pó inteiro, inulina, óleo de salmão, potássio cloreto, acidificantes, sal, cloreto de colina, taurina, suplemento de vitamina A, suplemento de vitamina D, suplemento de vitamina E, suplemento de vitamina C, sulfato de zinco, sulfato ferroso, biotina, sulfato de manganês, niacina, pantotenato de cálcio, mononitrato de tiamina, sulfato de cobre, riboflavina suplemento, suplemento de vitamina K, suplemento de vitamina B12, cloridrato de piridoxina, ácido fólico, iodato de cálcio, selenito de sódio Aditivos nutricionais (/ kg): Vitamina A 12 500 UI, Vitamina D 1 250 UI, Vitamina E 125 UI, Vitamina C 75 mg, Ácido fólico 0,80 mg, sulfato de zinco 80 mg, sulfato ferroso 100 mg, sulfato de manganês 10 mg, sulfato de cobre 10 mg, taurina 1 500 mg
* Farinha de frango importada com baixo teor de cinzas para níveis minerais equilibrados.
بروتين الدجاج المجفف * (24٪ على الأقل) ، الأرز ، الذرة ، جلوتين الذرة ، الدجاج ودهون النعام (مع خليط توكوفيرولس) ، كبد الدجاج المائي ، مسحوق السليلوز ، خميرة البيرة ، لب البنجر ، مسحوق البيض الكامل ، الإينولين ، زيت السلمون ، البوتاسيوم كلوريد ، مُحمضات ، ملح ، كلوريد الكولين ، توراين ، مكمل فيتامين أ ، مكمل فيتامين د ، مكمل فيتامين هـ ، مكمل فيتامين ج ، كبريتات الزنك ، كبريتات الحديدوز ، البيوتين ، كبريتات المنغنيز ، النياسين ، بانتوثينات الكالسيوم ، أحادي نيترات الثيامين ، كبريتات النحاس ، ريبوفلافين مكمل ، مكمل فيتامين ك ، مكمل فيتامين ب 12 ، بيريدوكسين هيدروكلوريد ، حمض الفوليك ، يودات الكالسيوم ، مضافات غذائية سيلينيت الصوديوم (/ كجم): فيتامين أ 12500 وحدة دولية ، فيتامين د 1250 وحدة دولية ، فيتامين إي 125 وحدة دولية ، فيتامين سي 75 مجم ، حمض الفوليك 0.80 مجم ، كبريتات الزنك 80 مجم ، كبريتات الحديدوز 100 مجم ، كبريتات المنغنيز 10 مجم ، كبريتات النحاس 10 مجم ، التورين 1500 مجم * وجبة دجاج مستوردة منخفضة الرماد لمستويات معدنية متوازنة.
Recommended daily-feeding amount.
Food intake will vary depending on the size, breed, age, condition and activity of your cat as well as climatic conditions. Feed to maintain ideal body weight. Feed half of the daily requirement in the morning and the rest in the evening. It is very important to stick to feeding guidelines. Limit supplements of table scraps, other vitamins or minerals as these may cause nutritional imbalances. When changing your cat’s diet from one brand of cat food to another it is recommended to do so gradually to prevent gastro-intestinal upset. Some cats may be allergic to the protein or starch sources in this diet. If your cat shows any signs of skin allergies or gastro-intestinal upset when eating this diet, it is recommended that you discuss the possibility of food related allergies with your veterinarian. Nutribyte strongly advises to have your cats vaccinated and dewormed regularly.
Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. If no bin is available, wrap up the bag after feeding. Do not store in sunlight or near a heat source like a fridge or oven.
My cats both had intestinal issues and were on vet food (very expensive) for years until I tried Nutribyte cat food. It worked perfectly, just like the vet food. I've always recommended it to everyone I know and still will. Just wanted to compliment your brand.