Super premium diet formulated to meet and exceed the requirements for most allergenic reactions and food sensitivities. Specific weightloss feeding schedules for ultimate weight management.
Proteins and amino acids are the building blocks for a healthy body. Proteins build and repair muscle tissue and hair.
Energy is fuel which enables the body to function. Needed for growth, reproduction, lactation and other bodily functions.
Omega 6 & 3 fatty acids for a healthy skin and coat.
Needed for key metabolic functions, enzymes, optimal nerve function and electrolytic balance.
Turkey meat meal (25% min), rice, green peas, barley (10% min),
powdered cellulose fibres, beet pulp, hydrolysed ostrich liver,
ostrich fat, inulin, cold water fish oil, salt, kaolin, dried kelp powder,
potassium chloride, choline chloride, mannan- oligosaccharides,
taurine, l-carnitine, chondroitin, glucosamine, beta glucans,
vitamin A supplement, vitamin D supplement, vitamin E supplement,
zinc sulphate, ferrous sulphate, manganese sulphate, niacin,
calcium pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate, copper sulphate,
riboflavin supplement, vitamin B12 supplement, pyridoxine
hydrochloride, folic acid, potassium iodide, sodium selenite.
Nutritional Additives (per kg): Vitamin A 12 000 IU, Vitamin D 1 000
IU, Vitamin E 75 IU, Folic acid 0.30 mg, Zinc sulphate 120 mg, Ferrous
sulphate 45 mg, Manganese sulphate 6.5 mg, Copper sulphate 6 mg.
Farine de viande de dinde (25% min), riz, petits pois, orge (10% min), fibres de cellulose en poudre, pulpe de betterave, foie d'autruche hydrolysé, graisse d'autruche, inuline, huile de poisson d'eau froide, sel, kaolin, poudre de varech séchée,
chlorure de potassium, chlorure de choline, mannane-oligosaccharides,
taurine, l-carnitine, chondroïtine, glucosamine, bêta-glucanes, supplément de vitamine A, supplément de vitamine D, supplément de vitamine E, sulfate de zinc, sulfate ferreux, sulfate de manganèse, niacine,
pantothénate de calcium, mononitrate de thiamine, sulfate de cuivre, supplément de riboflavine, supplément de vitamine B12, pyridoxine chlorhydrate, acide folique, iodure de potassium, sélénite de sodium.
Additifs nutritionnels (par kg) : Vitamine A 12 000 UI, Vitamine D 1 000 UI, Vitamine E 75 UI, Acide folique 0,30 mg, Sulfate de zinc 120 mg, Ferreux sulfate 45 mg, sulfate de manganèse 6,5 mg, sulfate de cuivre 6 mg.
Farinha de carne de peru (25% min), arroz, ervilhas, cevada (10% min),
fibras de celulose em pó, polpa de beterraba, fígado de avestruz hidrolisado, gordura de avestruz, inulina, óleo de peixe de água fria, sal, caulim, pó de algas secas, cloreto de potássio, cloreto de colina, mananoligossacarídeos,
taurina, l-carnitina, condroitina, glucosamina, beta glucanos, suplemento de vitamina A, suplemento de vitamina D, suplemento de vitamina E, sulfato de zinco, sulfato ferroso, sulfato de manganês, niacina,
pantotenato de cálcio, mononitrato de tiamina, sulfato de cobre,
suplemento de riboflavina, suplemento de vitamina B12, piridoxina cloridrato, ácido fólico, iodeto de potássio, selenito de sódio.
Aditivos Nutricionais (por kg): Vitamina A 12 000 UI, Vitamina D 1 000
UI, Vitamina E 75 UI, Ácido fólico 0,30 mg, Sulfato de zinco 120 mg, Ferroso sulfato 45 mg, sulfato de manganês 6,5 mg, sulfato de cobre 6 mg.
وجبة لحم الديك الرومي (25٪ كحد أدنى) ، أرز ، بازلاء خضراء ، شعير (10٪ كحد أدنى) ،
ألياف السليلوز المجففة ، لب البنجر ، كبد النعام المائي ،
دهن النعام ، إنولين ، زيت سمك الماء البارد ، ملح ، كاولين ، مسحوق عشب البحر المجفف ،
كلوريد البوتاسيوم ، كلوريد الكولين ، مانان- قليل السكريات ،
تورين ، ل-كارنتين ، شوندرويتين ، جلوكوزامين ، بيتا جلوكان ،
مكمل فيتامين أ ، مكمل فيتامين د ، مكمل فيتامين هـ ،
كبريتات الزنك ، كبريتات الحديدوز ، كبريتات المنغنيز ، النياسين ،
بانتوثينات الكالسيوم ، أحادي نترات الثيامين ، كبريتات النحاس ،
مكمل الريبوفلافين ، مكمل فيتامين ب 12 ، البيريدوكسين
هيدروكلوريد ، حمض الفوليك ، يوديد البوتاسيوم ، سيلينيت الصوديوم.
المضافات الغذائية (لكل كيلوغرام): فيتامين أ 12000 وحدة دولية ، وفيتامين د 1000
IU ، فيتامين E 75 IU ، حمض الفوليك 0.30 مجم ، كبريتات الزنك 120 مجم ، الحديدوز
كبريتات 45 ملجم ، كبريتات المنغنيز 6.5 ملجم ، كبريتات النحاس 6 ملجم.
Recommended daily-feeding amount.
Recommended daily-feeding amount.
Recommended daily-feeding amount.
Recommended daily-feeding amount.
Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. If no bin is available, wrap up the bag after feeding. Do not store in sunlight or near a heat source like a fridge or oven.
I do not rescue normally, however, there are times when a friend calls me up and says "Toni! You gotta get here now! Puppies need you!" Of course! I drop everything and drive through. Capone has had your normal puppy mange, not uncommon, however as the weeks passed I noticed no change, it actually got really bad so I did what I had to at the vet and long story short, here he is after trying Nutribyte Small to Medium Breed Puppy then Nutribyte Large to Giant Breed Puppy and then finally, Endurance which has made an outstanding difference in his overall condition. His coat is amazing! He hardly itches, his patches are almost gone and his overall condition is superb! Most that know me, know that I do not like to unnecessarily medicate my fur kids. I prefer as natural as possible. So just feeding the correct diet has eliminated the need for meds! I am super happy with the results from Nutribyte Endurance.