Adult Maintenance

Every bag of Nutribyte Adult Maintenance contains only the highest quality ingredients, minerals and vitamins to give your dog the balanced nutrition he or she deserves! Nutribyte is formulated by a leading Veterinarian and expert in Animal Nutrition using the latest in Scientific Research.

Nutribyte uses exclusive meat-based protein sources and higher levels of rice to give your pet the most balanced diet at a great value price. Balanced nutrition in every Byte!

Available In these sizes:

1.5kg  |  8kg  |  20kg  |  40kg

Protein Sources

Proteins and amino acids are the building blocks for a healthy body. Proteins build and repair muscle tissue and hair.

Carbohydrate sources

Energy is fuel which enables the body to function. Needed for growth, reproduction, lactation and other bodily functions.

Fat Sources

Omega 6 & 3 fatty acids for a healthy skin and coat.

Balanced Vitamins & Minerals

Needed for key metabolic functions, enzymes, optimal nerve function and electrolytic balance.

Key Ingredients

Prebiotic MOS feeds intestinal probiotic flora, ensuring better digestion and a overall healthy gastro-intestinal tract.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin for joint protection, lubrication and aiding in mobility.

Beta-Glucan assists immune function and activates white blood cells to fight pathogens.

Taurine is an essential amino acid to promote heart and brain development.

Medium-size kibbles, suitable for all breeds and sizes.

Zeolites are unique-mineral clays that help form stools and reduce the faecal odour while having a detoxifying function within the colon.


Ground corn, chicken meat meal, porcine meat meal, rice (7% min), chicken & ostrich fat (with mixed tocopherols), wheat bran, mannan-oligosaccharides, pyrophosphates, hydrolysed chicken liver, zeolite, salt, choline chloride, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D supplement, vitamin E supplement, vitamin C supplement, zinc sulphate, ferrous sulphate, manganese sulphate, niacin, calcium pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate, copper sulphate, riboflavin supplement, vitamin B12 supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid, potassium iodide, sodium selenite, glucosamine, - Nutritional Additives (/kg): Vitamin A 12 000 IU, Vitamin D 1 000 IU, Vitamin E 75 IU, Vitamin C 50 mg, Folic Acid 0.25 mg, Zinc sulphate 120 mg, Ferrous sulphate 45 mg, Manganese sulphate 6.5 mg, Copper sulphate 6 mg


Maïs moulu, farine de viande de poulet, repas de viande porcine, riz (7% min), poulet et graisse autruche (avec des tocophérols mélangés), bran de blé, mannan-oligosaccharides, pyrophosphates, foie de poulet hydrolysé, zéolite, sel, chlorure de choline, vitamine A Supplément, supplément de vitamine D, Supplément de vitamine E, Supplément de vitamine C, sulfate de zinc, sulfate ferreux, sulfate de manganèse, niacine, pantothénate de calcium, thiamine mononitrate, sulfate de cuivre, supplément de riboflavine, supplément de vitamine B12, chlorhydrate de pyridoxine, acide folique, iodure de potassium, Sélénite sodique, glucosamine, - additifs nutritionnels (/ kg): vitamine A 12 000 IU, vitamine D 1 000 UI, vitamine E 75 UI, vitamine C 50 mg, acide folique 0,25 mg, sulfate de zinc 120 mg, sulfate ferreux de 45 mg, Sulfate de manganèse 6,5 mg, sulfate de cuivre 6 mg


Milho de chão, refeição de carne de frango, refeição de carne porcina, arroz (7% min), frango e avestruz gordura (com tcoferóis misturados), farelo de trigo, mannan-oligossacáridos, pirofosfatos, fígado de frango hidrolisado, zeólito, sal, cloreto de choline, vitamina A Suplemento, Suplemento de vitamina D, suplemento de vitamina E, sulfato de zinco, sulfato ferroso, sulfato de manganês, niacina, pantotenato de cálcio, mononitrato de tiamina, sulfato de cobre, suplemento de riboflavina, cloridrato de piridoxina, ácido fólico, iodeto de potássio, Selenita de sódio, glicosamina, - aditivos nutricionais (/ kg): vitamina A 12 000 UI, vitamina D 1 000 UI, vitamina E 75 UI, vitamina C 50 mg, ácido fólico 0,25 mg, sulfato de zinco 120 mg, sulfato ferroso 45 mg, Sulfato de manganês 6,5 mg, sulfato de cobre 6 mg


ذرة‭ ‬مطحونة‭ ‬،‭ ‬وجبة‭ ‬لحم‭ ‬دجاج‭ ‬،‭ ‬أرز‭ (‬7٪‭ ‬كحد‭ ‬أدنى‭) ‬،‭ ‬دجاج‭ ‬ودهن‭ ‬نعام‭ (‬مع‭ ‬خليط‭ ‬توكوفيرول‭) ‬،‭ ‬نخالة‭ ‬القمح‭ ‬،‭ ‬مانان‭-‬سكريات‭ ‬قليلة‭ ‬،‭ ‬بيروفوسفات‭ ‬،‭ ‬كبد‭ ‬دجاج‭ ‬متحلل‭ ‬،‭ ‬زيوليت‭ ‬،‭ ‬ملح‭ ‬،‭ ‬كلوريد‭ ‬الكولين‭ ‬،‭ ‬مكمل‭ ‬فيتامين‭ ‬أ‭ ‬،‭ ‬فيتامين‭ ‬د‭ ‬مكمل‭ ‬،‭ ‬مكمل‭ ‬فيتامين‭ ‬هـ‭ ‬،‭ ‬مكمل‭ ‬فيتامين‭ ‬ج‭ ‬،‭ ‬كبريتات‭ ‬الزنك‭ ‬،‭ ‬كبريتات‭ ‬الحديدوز‭ ‬،‭ ‬كبريتات‭ ‬المنغنيز‭ ‬،‭ ‬النياسين‭ ‬،‭ ‬بانتوثينات‭ ‬الكالسيوم‭ ‬،‭ ‬أحادي‭ ‬نيترات‭ ‬الثيامين‭ ‬،‭ ‬كبريتات‭ ‬النحاس‭ ‬،‭ ‬مكمل‭ ‬الريبوفلافين‭ ‬،‭ ‬مكمل‭ ‬فيتامين‭ ‬ب‭ ‬12‭ ‬،‭ ‬بيريدوكسين‭ ‬هيدروكلوريد‭ ‬،‭ ‬حمض‭ ‬الفوليك‭ ‬،‭ ‬يوديد‭ ‬البوتاسيوم‭ ‬،‭ ‬جلوكوس‭ ‬سيلينيت‭ ‬المضافات‭ ‬الغذائية‭ ‬‭(/ ‬كجم‭): ‬فيتامين‭ ‬أ‭ ‬12000‭ ‬وحدة‭ ‬دولية‭ ‬،‭ ‬فيتامين‭ ‬د‭ ‬1000‭ ‬وحدة‭ ‬دولية‭ ‬،‭ ‬فيتامين‭ ‬هـ‭ ‬75‭ ‬وحدة‭ ‬دولية‭ ‬،‭ ‬فيتامين‭ ‬ج‭ ‬50‭ ‬مجم‭ ‬،‭ ‬حمض‭ ‬الفوليك‭ ‬0‭.‬25‭ ‬مجم‭ ‬،‭ ‬كبريتات‭ ‬الزنك‭ ‬120‭ ‬مجم‭ ‬،‭ ‬كبريتات‭ ‬الحديدوز‭ ‬45‭ ‬مجم‭ ‬،‭ ‬كبريتات‭ ‬المنغنيز‭ ‬6‭.‬5‭ ‬مجم‭ ‬،‭ ‬كبريتات‭ ‬النحاس‭ ‬6‭ ‬مجم

Guaranteed Analysis (%)

Crude Protein | Próteine Brute | Proteína Bruta | بروتين‭ ‬خام
Moisture | Humidité | Umidade | رطوبة
Total Fat | Graisse Totale | Gordura Total | إجمالي‭ ‬الدهون
Fibre | Fibre Brute | Fibra Bruta | الأساسية
Ash | Cendres Brutes | Cinza Bruta | رماد
Calcium | Calcium | Cálcio | الكالسيوم
Phosphorus | Phosphore | Fósforo | الفوسفور
Ca:P Ratio | Rapport Ca: P | Razão Ca: P | نسبة‭ ‬Ca: P
Omega-6 Fatty Acids | Acides gras oméga-6 | Ácidos graxos ômega-6 | أحماض‭ ‬أوميغا‭ ‬6‭ ‬الدهنية
Omega-3 Fatty Acids | Acides gras oméga-3 | Ácidos graxos ômega-3 | أحماض‭ ‬أوميغا‭ ‬3‭ ‬الدهنية
Omega 6:3 Ratio | Ómega 6:3 | Oméga 6:3 | أوميغا
Mannan Oligosaccharides | Oligosaccharides De Mannane | Oligossacarídeos Mannan | منان‭ ‬قليل‭ ‬السكريات
Glucosamine | Glucosamine | Glucosamina | الجلوكوزامين
Taurine | Taurine | Taurina | التورين
Glucans | Bêta-Glucane | Beta-Glucano | جلوكان
Chondroitin | ÓChondroïtine | Condroitina | شوندرويتين
Metabolizable Energy | Énergie Métabolisable | Energia Metabolizável | الطاقة‭ ‬الأيضية
22% (min)
10% (max)
11% (min)
4.5% (max)
8% (max)
1.5% (max)
0.9% (min)
3.5% (min)
0.5% (min)
1000 mg/kg (min)
300 mg/kg (min)
300 mg/kg (min)
135 mg/kg (min)
80 mg/kg (min)
365 kcal/100g

Feeding Guideline

Recommended daily-feeding amount.

Weight of dog (kg)
5kg - 10kg
10kg - 20kg
20kg - 30kg
30kg - 40kg
40kg - 50kg
50kg - 60kg
60kg - 70kg
70kg - 80kg
Low Activity
80g - 135g
135g – 235g
235g – 315g
315g – 390g
390g – 465g
465g – 600g
600g – 630g
630g – 660g
Household (Moderate) Activity
100g – 170g
170g – 280g
280g – 375g
375g – 475g
475g – 570g
570g – 725g
725g – 765g
765g - 805g
High Activity
140g – 230g
230g – 390g
390g – 525g
525g – 655g
655g – 775g
775g – 995g
995g – 1045g
1045g - 1100g

Feeding Tips

Follow the recommended feeding guideline to ensure a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Feed two times a day to prevent overeating. If you have a Large Breed dog, avoid excessive exercise for 90 minutes after each meal to prevent GDT (Gastric Dilation Torsion) Syndrome. Limit other sources of food like table scraps to prevent nutritional imbalances. Always switch gradually to a new diet to prevent stomach upset. Some dogs may be allergic to the protein or starch sources in this diet. Consult a veterinarian to confirm a possible food-related allergy.


I just want to say that I have been using Nutribyte for almost a year now and both my dachshunds are doing really well on the Adult Maintenance. My miniature had a very dry and itchy skin with almost no fur at the end of his tail and since moving him onto Nutribyte, his skin is 100 times better. My other Dachshund tends to put on weight easily as he is a senior citizen now and with Nutribyte his weight has remained fairly constant. We have now put our puppy on the Small to Medium Breed puppy food and so far so good as well.

Jacqueine Dunstan Elliot

