Every bag of Nutribyte Small to Medium Breed Puppy food contains only the highest quality digestible ingredients, vitamins & minerals along with essential amino acids and micro ingredients to ensure that your puppy grows at a healthy pace. Nutribyte Small to Medium Breed Puppy diet is formulated by a leading veterinarian and expert in animal nutrition, using the latest in scientific research to give your puppy only the best nutrition after weaning.
By using exclusively meat-based protein sources and higher levels of rice, Nutribyte Small to Medium Breed Puppy diet can truly offer balanced growth in every bite.
Proteins and amino acids are the building blocks for a healthy body. Proteins build and repair muscle tissue and hair.
Energy is fuel which enables the body to function. Needed for growth, reproduction, lactation and other bodily functions.
Omega 6 & 3 fatty acids for a healthy skin and coat.
Needed for key metabolic functions, enzymes, optimal nerve function and electrolytic balance.
Chicken meat meal (29% min), ground corn, rice (15% min), wheat bran, chicken & ostrich fat (with mixed tocopherols), beet pulp, hydrolysed chicken liver, cold water fish oil, mannan-oligosaccharides, kaolin, salt, choline chloride, vitamin A supplement, vitamin D supplement, vitamin E supplement, vitamin C supplement, zinc sulphate, ferrous sulphate, manganese sulphate, niacin, calcium pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate, copper sulphate, riboflavin supplement, vitamin B12 supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid, calcium iodate, sodium selenite, taurine, l-carnitine, glucosamine, chondroitin - Nutritional Additives (/kg): Vitamin A 12 000 IU, Vitamin D 1 000 IU, Vitamin E 75 IU, Vitamin C 50 mg, Folic Acid 0.25 mg, Zinc sulphate 120 mg, Ferrous sulphate 45 mg, Manganese sulphate 6.5 mg, Copper sulphate 6 mg
Farine de viande de poulet (29% min), maïs moulu, riz (15% min), son de blé, graisse de poulet et d’autruche (avec mélange de tocophérols), pulpe de betterave, foie de poulet hydrolysé, huile de poisson d’eau froide, mannan-oligosaccharides, kaolin, sel, chlorure de choline, supplément de vitamine A, supplément de vitamine D, supplément de vitamine E, supplément de vitamine C, sulfate de zinc, sulfate ferreux, sulfate de manganèse, niacine, pantothénate de calcium, mononitrate de thiamine, sulfate de cuivre, supplément de riboflavine, supplément de vitamine B12, chlorhydrate de pyridoxine , acide folique, iodate de calcium, sélénite de sodium, taurine, l-carnitine, glucosamine, chondroïtine - Additifs nutritionnels (/kg) : Vitamine A 12 000 UI, Vitamine D 1 000 UI, Vitamine E 75 UI, Vitamine C 50 mg, Folique Acide 0,25 mg, Sulfate de zinc 120 mg, Sulfate ferreux 45 mg, Sulfate de manganèse 6,5 mg, Sulfate de cuivre 6 mg
Farinha de carne de frango (29% min), milho moído, arroz (15% min), farelo de trigo, gordura de frango e avestruz (com mistura de tocoferóis), polpa de beterraba, fígado de galinha hidrolisado, óleo de peixe de água fria, mananoligossacarídeos, caulim, sal, cloreto de colina, suplemento de vitamina A, suplemento de vitamina D, suplemento de vitamina E, suplemento de vitamina C, sulfato de zinco, sulfato ferroso, sulfato de manganês, niacina, pantotenato de cálcio, mononitrato de tiamina, sulfato de cobre, suplemento de riboflavina, suplemento de vitamina B12, cloridrato de piridoxina , ácido fólico, iodato de cálcio, selenito de sódio, taurina, l-carnitina, glucosamina, condroitina - Aditivos Nutricionais (/kg): Vitamina A 12 000 UI, Vitamina D 1 000 UI, Vitamina E 75 UI, Vitamina C 50 mg, Fólico Ácido 0,25 mg, Sulfato de zinco 120 mg, Sulfato ferroso 45 mg, Sulfato de manganês 6,5 mg, Sulfato de cobre 6 mg
وجبة لحم دجاج (29٪ كحد أدنى) ، ذرة مطحونة ، أرز (15٪ كحد أدنى) ، نخالة القمح ، دجاج ودهن نعام (مع خليط توكوفيرول) ، لب البنجر ، كبد دجاج متحلل بالماء ، زيت سمك الماء البارد ، مانان-سكريات قليلة ، كاولين ، ملح ، كلوريد الكولين ، مكمل فيتامين أ ، مكمل فيتامين د ، مكمل فيتامين هـ ، مكمل فيتامين ج ، كبريتات الزنك ، كبريتات الحديدوز ، كبريتات المنغنيز ، النياسين ، بانتوثينات الكالسيوم ، أحادي نيترات الثيامين ، كبريتات النحاس ، مكمل الريبوفلافين ، مكمل فيتامين ب 12 ، بيريدوكسين هيدروكلوريد ، حمض الفوليك ، يودات الكالسيوم ، سيلينيت الصوديوم ، التورين ، إل كارنيتين ، الجلوكوزامين ، كوندرويتين - إضافات غذائية (/ كجم): فيتامين أ 12000 وحدة دولية ، فيتامين د 1000 وحدة دولية ، فيتامين هـ 75 وحدة دولية ، فيتامين سي 50 مجم ، فوليك حامض 0.25 ملجم ، كبريتات الزنك 120 ملجم ، كبريتات الحديدوز 45 ملجم ، كبريتات المنغنيز 6.5 ملجم ، كبريتات النحاس 6 ملجم
Recommended daily-feeding amount.
*Nutribyte recommends that all lactating mothers should be granted access to ad-lib feeding while nursing in order to produce enough milk and accommodate any litre size. If rationed feeding needs to be done on lactating mothers, please follow the feeding schedule below.
Recommended daily-feeding amount.
Food intake will vary depending on the size, breed, age, condition and activity of your puppy as well as climatic conditions. Feed to maintain ideal body weight. Feed half of the daily requirement in the morning and the rest in the evening. It is very important to stick to feeding guidelines, as Small-Medium Breed Puppies can get over energetic if allowed to overeat. Limit supplements of table scraps, other vitamins or minerals as these may cause nutritional imbalances. When changing your puppy’s diet from one brand of puppy food to another it is recommended to do so gradually to prevent gastrointestinal upset. Some puppies may be allergic to the protein or starch sources in this diet. If your dog shows any signs of skin allergies or gastrointestinal upset when eating this diet, it is recommended that you discuss the possibility of food related allergies with your veterinarian. Nutribyte strongly advises to have your puppies vaccinated and dewormed regularly, as stomach upset may be a result of parasite or pathogen infestation and not only the ingredients in this diet.
Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. If no bin is available, wrap up the bag after feeding. Do not store in sunlight or near a heat source like a fridge or oven.
I've only been using Nutribyte for a short time. Right before lockdown, I bought a 1.8kg bag to see how my miniature pinschers would like it. They loved the small pellets as both are older and one has tooth issues. A few hours before lockdown we got a puppy to foster. He absolutely devoured the pellets. Within a few days the 1.8kg bag was gone. I decided I'll try a different brand. Was this puppy upset with me! He developed a tummy issue which was so bad that I thought he had parvo. Refused to eat anything. Not even all the chicken and rice we cooked. Bought a new bag of Nutribyte Small to Medium Breed Puppy - tummy issues solved - becomes a foster failure. I don't think I'll easily buy another brand of food. Also started my old lady cats on Nutribyte today.