Dog Biscuits

Every box of NutriByte SnackBytes contains only the highest quality digestible ingredients with no colourants or flavourants. Chickbyte biscuits contains real chicken for best bio availability and superior digestion. The addition of pyrophosphates aids in tartar control and oral care. NutriByte SnackBytes, for the tastiest snack in every byte!

Available In these sizes:

500g  |  1kg

Added Pyrophosphates for Oral Care

Pyrophosphates helps control tartar build up and may dissolve excess tartar which aids in betterdental health. Good dental health may also help control bad breath.

Suitable for all Types of Dog Breeds

SnackByte biscuits are shaped so that it is suitable for most medium to large breeds. The easily breakable biscuit makes it easy to give to smaller dogs or giving more than one biscuit for larger or giant breeds.

Made With Brown Rice for Better Digestion

Brown rice is rich in natural fibre to aid in better digestion compared to other mainstream grains.Brown rice also offers high levels of Vitamin B & D which promotes better heart health.

Rich in Vitamins & Minerals for a Healthy Diet.

Pyrophosphates helps control tartar build up and may dissolve excess tartar which aids in better dental health. Good dental health may also help control bad breath.

Key Ingredients

Cellulose fibres along with soluble fibre like MOS and FOS, help prevent hairball forming by assisting hair through the digestive tract.

The fortification of Taurine helps the development of eyesight and prevents cats from going blind as cats cannot produce this essential amino-acid by themselves.

The balanced levels of minerals especially magnesium, phosphorus and calcium significantly decreases the risk of Struvite crystal forming within the bladder. Proven trials are done yearly to ensure effectiveness.


Wholegrain Wheat flour, brown rice, chicken meal, vegetable oils, wheat bran, hydrolysed chicken liver, teeth cleaning agent, salt, vitamins & minerals (Vitamin A, D3, E, B1, B12, C, Folic acid, Choline chloride, Iron sulphate, Zinc sulphate & Sodium selenite), reducing agent and approved antioxidants.


Farine de blé entire, riz brun, farine de Poulet, huiles végétales, son de blé, exhausteurs d’appétence, agent de nettoyage des dents, sel, vitamines & mineraux (Vitamine A, D3, B1, B12, C, Acide folique, Chlorure de choline, Sulfate de fer, Sulfate de zinc, Sélénite de sodium), agent réducteur et antyoxidants approuvés


Farinha de trigo integral, arroz integral, farinha de frango, óleos de vegetal, farelo de trigo, palatabilidade potenciadoras, agente de limpeza de dentes, sal, vitaminas & minerais
(Vitamina A, D3, E, B1, B12, C, Ácido fólico, Cloreto de colina, Sulfato de ferro, Sulfato de zinco, Selenito de sódio), agente redutor e antioxidantes aprovados


دقيق قمح كامل ، أرز بني ، وجبة دجاج ، زيوت نباتية ، نخالة قمح ، زبدة فول سوداني (4٪ كحد أدنى) ، كبد دجاج متحلل بالماء ، عامل تنظيف أسنان ، ملح ، فيتامينات ومعادن (فيتامين أ ، د 3 ، هـ ، ب 1 ، ب 12 ، ج ، حمض الفوليك ، كلوريد الكولين ، كبريتات الحديد ، كبريتات الزنك ، سيلينيت الصوديوم) ، عامل الاختزال ومضادات الأكسدة المعتمدة

Guaranteed Analysis (%)

Crude Protein | Próteine Brute | Proteína Bruta | بروتين‭ ‬خام
Moisture | Humidité | Umidade | رطوبة
Total Fat | Graisse Totale | Gordura Total | إجمالي‭ ‬الدهون
Fibre | Fibre Brute | Fibra Bruta | الأساسية
Ash | Cendres Brutes | Cinza Bruta | رماد
Calcium | Calcium | Cálcio | الكالسيوم
Phosphorus | Phosphore | Fósforo | الفوسفور
23% (min)
10% (max)
14% (min)
3% (max)
6% (max)
1.2% (max)
0.9% (min)

Feeding Guidelines

Feed your dog, as a treat, in-between its normal meals, in order to assist in satisfying their appetite. Dogs should be supervised whilst being fed.


My cats both had intestinal issues and were on vet food (very expensive) for years till I tried the Nutribyte and it worked perfectly just like the vet food!  Iv always recommended it to everyone I know and will still.  Just wanted to compliment your brand!

Tasha Bredenhann

